Journées d’études organisées par C. Cerami (CNRS), V. Cordonier (CNRS), A. Oliva (IRHT), R.C. Taylor (Marquette University and De Wulf-Mansion Centre, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Vendredi 20 mai Salle Mondrian (646A), bâtiment Condorcet, université de Paris 7–Diderot
10h00 – 11h15
R. E. Houser
Avicenna and Aquinas’s De principiis naturae, c. 1-3
11h15 – 12h30
J. M. Chase
From Philoponus to Aquinas : Studies in the posterity of John Philoponus in Arabo-Latin philosophy
14h30 – 16h00
J. McGinnis
Making Something of Nothing. Privation, Possibility and Potential in Avicenna and Aquinas
Mardi 24 mai
Centre Le Saulchoir, salle Dumont, Centre ISTINA
09h30 – 10h30
L. X. López-Farjeat
Aquinas on Creation in II Sent., d 1, q 1, art. 1-2 and his Arabic / Islamic Sources
11h00 – 12h00
O. Lizzini
Possibility and Creation. Some Remarks on the Views of Avicenna and Aquinas
12h15 – 12h45
R. C. Taylor
"An Update on the Aquinas and ’the Arabs’ Project and the Aquinas and ’the Arabs’ International Working Group’" (with discussion to follow)
14h30 – 15h30
R. C. Taylor
"First Averroism" and "Second Averroism" : an analysis
15h50 – 16h50
D. Twetten
Aquinas’ early Essentialist Realism and the Avicennian Tri-fold Essence
4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris
43 bis-45 rue de la Glacière, 75013 Paris